Showing posts with label Windows vs. Macintosh Operating Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows vs. Macintosh Operating Systems. Show all posts

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Windows vs. Macintosh Operating Systems

We use both operating systems at Nerdcore computers service centre  and realize that there are ardent users on both sides.

Windows 8 was a complete disaster and most individuals who bought computers with that operating system dreaded it.  Many still do.  While Windows captures about 90% of the market, those who use Apple’s Macintosh Computers love them.

The Windows operating system software programs are provided by 3rd Party Companies and the compatibility between them can sometimes be challenging.

Apple’s Mac on the other hand provides you with an operating system and all of the software from the same company completely integrated and in general works without any issues whatsoever.  Also, because the Mac uses it’s own software, it’s operating system is closed not open.  The significance of this is that it is much more difficult to get a virus from the Internet on an Apple Mac then it is on a Windows Computer.

However, one pays dearly for this in terms of dollars. It is not uncommon for a comparable computer made by Apple to cost more than twice as much as a similar machine which runs the Windows Operating System.

For ease of use and seamless integration we have to call it in favor of the Apple Mac.

For an open architecture allowing a user who is sophisticated to do almost anything they want, we have to call it in favor of the Windows Operating System.

Dependent upon which type of user you are, inexperienced or wanting to stretch the limits, the choice between two relies upon your intended use and how much money you can afford to spend.

Either type of computer makes our life so much easier, allowing us to keep track of things in a way we could never do before including;

-Storing tens of thousands of photographs.

-Scanning recipes and having the computer store them by type in alphabetical order.

-Having your own electronic Post Office with almost instant delivery.

-Or, having access to any information you could possibly imagine without having to have to go to the library or buy another set of Encyclopedias.  It can be found on the Internet, instantly.

If you run into trouble because you were on the Internet and downloaded something which contained malicious software or a virus and your computer begins to slow down or malfunction, whether it is an Apple Mac or a Windows PC, nerdcore computers service centre can fix it.

From the privacy of your own home when is convenient for you, simply pick up the phone and call us at 1300637326 and within minutes one of our expert Technicians we’ll be performing a repair.

If you are inexperienced, we offer Live, Semi-Private Classes from the privacy of your own home on both operating systems and the software that runs on them.  We even offer classes on the proper use of both the iPhone and Android Smart Phones.

With our 100% moneyback guarantee it is almost a no-brainer.  We have to be really good what we do or we couldn’t make that offer to the public.

Happy Computing and Nerdcore computers service centre